Paranormal Eye Uk Ghost Hunts

Knottingley Town Hall West Yorkshire
Knottingley Town Hall West Yorkshire Ghost Hunt
The town hall of Knottingley is an eerie and ancient building, immersed in a wealth of undisclosed and overlooked historical events.
Knottingley Town Hall Ghost Hunts With Paranormal Eye UK
Knottingley Town Hall is reported to be rife with ghostly Activity, which may well be because it was built on the site of a Medieval Monastery. Ghost hunts at the old town hall are not for faint-hearted as poltergeist activity is expected. Knottingley Town hall was Opened in 1865 and witnessed tragedies and fatal accidents. Many people believe that a young boy was supposed to have fallen on the rear staircase to his death at this location. Reports of two ladies casually walking around the building dressed in wartime clothes have been reported on many occasions; reports of a previous employee and a man in a flat cap are all regular ghostly sightings at Knottingley Town Hall. Strange unexplained thuds, doors slamming shut, and voices are periodic paranormal phenomena encountered here. Dare you join us on this overnight ghost hunt.
With this old location are many tales of death on the staircase, ghostly figures in black and small children are said to wander. There are many reported feelings of unease, dread and being watched by unexplained mists, mysterious footsteps and disembodied voices. The Team have personally experienced the awful feeling of being watched, and some team members refuse to enter the building alone. Will you be able to last the evening in this historic building after dark? Join us as we investigate Haunted Knottingley Town Hall with its very dark and eerie cellars, dark corridors, ball room and former council chamber. This location has acquired a reputation as a very haunted building in West Yorkshire. Join the team as we invite you on this intense ghost hunt.
History of Knottingley Town Hall
Knottingley Town Hall was built in 1865 in a town already soaked in history.
During the three Sieges of Pontefract Castle, Oliver Cromwell took residence in the town, originally an Anglo-Saxon settlement. However, the ancient monument of Ferrybridge shows it had significant indigenous habitation long before that time.
Inextricably linked with Ferrybridge, Knottingley is a West Yorkshire town whose history is tied to river travel and industry. It has retained some aspects of that industrial history as a thriving enterprise today, employing many of its combined population of 17,000. It was originally an Anglo-Saxon settlement, though the ancient monument of Ferrybridge Henge shows it had significant indigenous habitation long before then.
The crossing over the Aire at Ferrybridge was of importance for many centuries. A bridge was built there in 1198, and another to replace it two centuries later. Located on the Great North Road linking London with York and Edinburgh beyond that, the town became an important staging place for the coach traffic on that route. The traffic continued to develop until, in 1804, the government had to build a wider bridge over the river to accommodate it. The new bridge was designed higher to allow easier passage of the barge traffic on the Aire and Calder Navigation.
Knottingley was an inland port of some note, long the last navigable point on the Aire until the Aire and Calder Navigation, built-in 1704 and widened in 1826, enabled barges to make it to Leeds. Its shipyards built and maintained both inland and seagoing vessels. Pottery was a significant industry for the town from the 19th century until as late as the 1940s, when the Australian Pottery, opened to cater to that country's needs, finally closed.
Glass manufacturing continues to be necessary. The town had Kellingley colliery operating until December 2015. The vast power station at Ferrybridge helped the demand for coal. Whilst most of the coal bound for Ferrybridge was left by rail, some were transported upriver using barges, the last of which was delivered in December 2002. Knottingley is a central point for horse racing fans, with tracks at Pontefract, York, Wetherby, and Doncaster.

Paranormal Eye Events
General Information
Not suitable for heavily pregnant ladies.
Kindly arrive 15 minutes before the event start time.
Please be aware that this location is not wheelchair accessible.
Wearing sensible shoes is required, heels or sandals are not permitted.
We recommend that you wear warm clothing, as this location can become very cold after dark, even during the summer months.
Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will not be allowed to enter the premises.
Please note that all attendees must be at least 18 years old.
As this location is old and dark, each attendee must bring a torch.
Get Directions To Knottingley Town Hall
The historic Knottingley Town Hall is a hauntingly eerie building that holds a wealth of untold and forgotten history. With its rich past, it has become a hub for paranormal events, ghost hunts, and investigations. Offering a thrilling ghost hunting experience, it attracts enthusiasts from all over the UK and those looking for ghost hunts near them. Embark on a haunted adventure and immerse yourself in the world of paranormal activities during overnight ghost hunts. These ghost hunting nights provide an opportunity to explore the supernatural realm, making it an unforgettable paranormal experience. Join us for ghost hunting tours and paranormal investigations, where you can delve into the mysteries of the past and uncover the secrets that lie within the walls of this ghostly old town hall.
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