Paranormal Eye Uk Ghost Hunts

Tutbury Castle Ghost Nights
Tutbury Castle Derbyshire Ghost Hunt
Tutbury Castle, located in Derbyshire, is a captivating and enigmatic fortress that exudes an eerie and mysterious atmosphere. Its rich history dates back centuries, the castle has become synonymous with ghostly happenings and paranormal encounters.
As with many Castles, hauntings go hand in hand. Tutbury Castle is undoubtedly no different; ghost hunts here can be a terrifying experience. People have experienced a tall, dark figure, and many report that he makes his presence known! The King’s chamber is one of the most haunted parts of the castle. They are said to be haunted by a little girl who likes to hold people’s hands and tug their clothes. Orbs and strange lights are often seen in this room. In the hall adjacent to the chamber, people often report feeling faint and convey feelings of being touched. Can you face your fears and join us for a night at this haunted Castle?
Tutbury Castle has many residential ghosts. The Keeper Wearing a full suit of armour and behaving in a manner that might best be described as authoritative, this ghostly figure has been seen stepping out in John of Gaunt’s Gateway.
Mary Queen of Scots
Tutbury was Mary’s most hated prison. She suffered much at Tutbury and was at the Castle as a captive of Elizabeth 1st on four occasions.
Some of Her Majesty’s service members saw her all in white. In 2004, at approximately midnight, she was seen standing at the top of the South Tower by over 40 men – in the form of a figure dressed in a pure white gown. They all laughed when they saw her – believing the Curator was teasing them by putting on an Elizabethan gown as a joke.
When it was pointed out that curator Lesley Smith does not have a white gown or any other Elizabethan enactors who work at the Castle, the men were profoundly disturbed by this sighting – a significant sighting as so many saw her. She was also seen rapidly crossing the grass one hot afternoon in 1984 by a serving Marine.
History Of Tutbury Castle
History shows Tutbury Castle has stood since 1071, at least when the Normans began building many castles nation to establish their authority over the people. Since its construction, it has played a significant part in the history of England, both in peace and war!
Perhaps the most famous historical fact relating to Tutbury is the imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots. She was held captive here on four separate occasions, and it was here where the plot that inevitably led to her death was conceived.
The de Ferrers family lived here when the castle was used as a wapentake. The castle was later the seat of the earls and dukes of Lancaster. During this time, Tutbury was one of the great centres of power. It was a popular destination for royalty, including many English Kings. It was also the home of the great John of Gaunt, 2nd Duke of Lancaster, whose descendants included many Kings, such as Henry IV, his son, Henry V, and his great-grandson, Henry VI. During his life, John was one of the richest men of his era and one of the wealthiest men to have ever lived. Considering inflation, he would be worth £69 billion in today’s economy.
It has suffered several sieges in the past, which resulted in the castle being destroyed and rebuilt many times. It was to suffer one last blow in 1647 when Parliament ordered the castle to be destroyed after holding out for Charles I during the Civil War. However, the castle wasn’t destroyed, and the remains are what you can see today.

Paranormal Eye Events
General Information
Not suitable for heavily pregnant ladies.
Kindly arrive 15 minutes before the event start time.
Please be aware that this location is not wheelchair accessible.
Wearing sensible shoes is required, heels or sandals are not permitted.
We recommend that you wear warm clothing, as this location can become very cold after dark, even during the summer months.
Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will not be allowed to enter the premises.
Please note that all attendees must be at least 18 years old.
As this location is old and dark, each attendee must bring a torch.
Get Directions To Tutbury Castle
For those in the United Kingdom or searching for ghost hunts near them, Tutbury Castle is a prime destination. With its reputation as a hub for paranormal activity, it attracts enthusiasts from all over the country. The castle offers ghost hunting adventures that allow participants to explore its haunted corridors and rooms, delving into the mysteries that lie within. From paranormal nights to ghost hunting tours, there are various options available to cater to different levels of interest and bravery. These experiences provide a unique opportunity to engage in paranormal investigations and witness firsthand the unexplained phenomena that occur within the castle's walls.
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